Switzerland-wide resources and links
Guideline for the inclusive treatment of all genders - from queer*z
sex inquiry - from TGNS
Here you can find the links to the umbrella organisations of the LGBTQIA+ in Switzerland
- Asexual Spectrum Switzerland: organization for people on the asexual and aromantic spectrum
- HAZ: Association of the Homosexual Working Groups Zurich, which campaigns against discrimination on the basis of sexual or gender identity
- Intersex.ch: Swiss contact point for intersex people
- LOS: Lesbian Organization Switzerland, umbrella organization for women*-loving women*.
- Dairy Youth: youth organisation for lesbian, gay, bi, trans* and asexual young people
- Pink Cross: Swiss umbrella organisation of gay and bisexual men*.
- QueerAmnesty: Theme group within Amnesty International dealing with issues in the field of human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity.
- QueerMigs: Integration project for queer people of different origins in Zurich
- Rainbow Families: Umbrella organisation for rainbow families in Switzerland
- TGNS: Swiss organisation by and for trans* people
ETH Zurich
Office for Equal Opportunities at ETH Zurich (EQUAL)
For students
University of Zurich
Department of Equality and Diversity at the University of Zurich
For students
Zurich University of Teacher Education
Department of Diversity and Gender at the University of Teacher Education Zurich
Reporting further resources and links
If you have further resources and links which you would like us to list here, please send us a mail to info(at)queerz.ch .