Online Rainbow Speeddating

Online Rainbow Speeddating
24 March 2021 Kim (they/them)
We are in an extraordinary semester, marked by Quarantine, Zoom, and Podcasts. That's why this is the perfect time to participate in our very first Rainbow Speed Dating! We'll get you out of isolation and make new, sparkling contacts!
Whether you're looking for romance because your last Tinder date ghosted you, are finally ready for the love of your life, or just want to meet new like-minded people, we've got you covered.


Section 1: 7-8pm:

female* queer + non-binary dates female* queer + non-binary
male* queer + non-binary dates male* queer + non-binary

Section 2: from 8 p.m:

all are mixed up, identity, sexuality and intention (relationship or friendship) do not play a role

When: 23.04.2021, 7 pm

Where: Online

Who: Unicorns

Registration takes place under:
After sending the form the registration is valid. There will be no confirmation of registration via e-mail.
We are looking forward to your registrations!
en_GBEnglish (UK)